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The field of UX design has been one of the moving forces in the digital world for some time now. It's based on providing good experiences that, in turn, keep users loyal to a given brand or product.

UX设计领域在一段时间以来一直是数字世界中的推动力之一。 它基于提供良好体验的基础,从而使用户忠于给定的品牌或产品。

Picture it this way: Without , start-ups and founders are simply shooting without aim. They don’t know who their target audience is, and even if they have some idea, they still don’t know how to approach them.

这样描绘:没有 ,初创公司和创始人只是毫无目标地射击。 他们不知道他们的目标受众是谁,即使他们有一些想法,他们仍然不知道如何接近他们。

UX research focuses on exactly that. It is the most accurate and effective way to answer the challenging questions that arise when you try to design a product., a digital consultant, “To be a great designer, you need to look a little deeper into how people think and act.”

UX研究完全集中于此。 这是回答您在尝试设计产品时出现的具有挑战性问题的最准确,最有效的方法。 数字顾问表示:“要成为一名出色的设计师,您需要更深入地了解人们的思维和行为方式。”

UX研究人员做什么? (What Does a UX Researcher Do?)

The goes beyond just making a nice color palette for your website or app. In fact, not every UX designer can work as a UX researcher. The latter requires a certain skill set that allows the professional to perform the necessary research.

不只是为您的网站或应用程序创建漂亮的调色板。 实际上,并非每个UX设计人员都能担任UX研究人员。 后者需要一定的技能才能使专业人员进行必要的研究。

The work of a UX researcher reveals what your target user needs from your brand and your products. This can only be achieved by exploring consumer motivation and behavior, conducting deep research, and working alongside your product developers when developing new products or features.

UX研究人员的工作揭示了目标用户从品牌和产品中需要什么。 这只有通过探索消费者的动机和行为,进行深入的研究以及在开发新产品或功能时与产品开发人员一起工作才能实现。

If and when you decide to and a researcher, you can expect them to use the appropriate set of research techniques based on your project’s parameters, needs, and constraints.


distinguished between two types of research performed by a researcher: generative and competitive. Generative user research is essential and encompasses a deep phase of discovery. During this research, an expert will use various techniques to analyze the user’s needs, motivations, and behaviors — all to contribute insights and context to your product design and strategy.

区分研究人员进行的两种研究类型:生成性研究和竞争性研究。 生成用户研究是必不可少的,并且涵盖了深入的发现阶段。 在这项研究中,专家将使用各种技术来分析用户的需求,动机和行为-所有这些都有助于为您的产品设计和策略提供见解和背景。

The for competitive analysis include focus groups, card sorting, journey mapping, contextual inquiry, participatory design, personas and scenarios creation, and JAD sessions. In terms of evaluative methods, experts use design critiques, A/B testing, usability testing, and eye tracking.

竞争分析的包括焦点小组,卡片分类,旅程映射,上下文查询,参与式设计,角色和场景创建以及JAD会话。 在评估方法方面,专家使用设计批判,A / B测试,可用性测试和眼动追踪。

用户研究的重要性 (Importance of User Research)

User research is a strong and concise foundation for the strategy upon which you build your digital product or brand. Unless you’ve spent years practicing and and UX design, you probably don’t know the ropes yet.

用户研究是构建数字产品或品牌所基于的战略的坚实而简洁的基础。 除非您花了多年的时间来练习和和UX设计否则您可能还不了解这些东西。

There’s no reason to despair.


Certain professionals have the skills, means, and experience to perform the much-needed research to. They’ll get you the data that will strengthen your design decisions and help you identify how to market your products.

某些专业人员具有进行急需的研究以的技能,手段和经验。 他们将为您提供数据,这些数据将增强您的设计决策并帮助您确定如何营销产品。

User research can show you what groups of people would use your services and products, as well as how.


When you choose to launch a new product, you need to know who would be willing to purchase it. If there’s an improved version that you’ve been working on, you need to know who wanted those improvements in the first place, as well as how to present them to those people.

选择启动新产品时,您需要知道谁愿意购买。 如果您正在开发一个改进的版本,那么您首先需要知道谁想要这些改进,以及如何向这些人介绍这些改进。

争议 (The Controversy)

The debate over whether you should use a UX researcher for your product and brand is argued by many. In fact, just deciding whether to hire a has become controversial.

许多人都在争论是否应为产品和品牌使用UX研究人员。 实际上,仅是决定聘请就引起了争议。

Many startups and small businesses that function on a limited budget choose to hire a single UX person, or someone who knows a bit of everything. Due to financial constraints, chances are that you’ve been tempted to find a jack-of-all-trades, a person who will conduct your research, code, design, and write copy.

许多预算有限的初创公司和小型企业选择聘用一个UX员工,或者一无所知的人。 由于资金拮据,您很可能会想找到万事通,一个人将进行研究,编码,设计和编写副本。

If this is what you’re thinking, it is the wrong approach.


It’s often difficult for people to understand the effect that UX research has on a new business’s strategy. Will hiring a UX researcher even pay off? Can’t anyone else do this?

人们通常很难理解UX研究对新业务战略的影响。 聘用UX研究人员是否还会有所回报? 其他人不能这样做吗?

These are just a few of the questions that start-ups and developers may ask. They show that many people believe that UX research is a waste of money and time.

这些只是初创企业和开发人员可能会提出的几个问题。 他们表明,许多人认为UX研究是浪费金钱和时间。

What you probably don’t know is that investing in UX research will actually in the long run.

您可能不知道的是,从长远来看,对UX研究进行投资实际上会为 。

Based on everything you’ve learned about UX research, can you afford not to have a professional on your team? Research has a tremendous impact on product strategy, starting from the very beginning. The work of a UX researcher is evident in the conception of the product idea and moves to the delivery of that same product.

根据您对UX研究的所有了解,您是否可以承担一支没有专业人员的团队? 从一开始就对产品战略产生巨大的影响。 UX研究人员的工作在产品构想的概念中显而易见,并转移到同一产品的交付中。

If you want your developers to create an attractive product, they need to present value. That can only be accomplished with research.

如果您希望开发人员创造有吸引力的产品,那么他们需要创造价值。 那只能通过研究来完成。

如果跳过UX研究会发生什么 (What Happens If You Skip UX Research)

Think of user research as the starting point, the initial stage of the product design cycle. None of the things you invested in your business will pay off if you make something that people don’t want to use. Your investments, time, and team’s work will be for naught or yield very little.

将用户研究视为产品设计周期的起点,初始阶段。 如果您做出人们不愿意使用的东西,那么您投资于企业的任何东西都不会得到回报。 您的投资,时间和团队工作将是徒劳的,或者收效甚微。

User research is what precedes the strategy of your business. It helps you eliminate assumptions from the process. With that kind of data ready and in front of you, your business can move the new products to the market, make changes if necessary, and iterate on the design.

用户研究是您业务战略的先决条件。 它可以帮助您消除流程中的假设。 在准备好此类数据并摆在您面前的情况下,您的企业可以将新产品推向市场,在必要时进行更改,然后对设计进行迭代。

If you choose to skip this stage because of financial constraints, time restrictions, or , it will probably have bad repercussions for your start-up. How do you expect to create and market a product if you don’t know what type of problem it will solve for those who buy it?

如果您由于财务限制,时间限制或而选择跳过此阶段,则可能会对您的创业造成不良影响。 如果您不知道产品会为购买者解决什么类型的问题,您如何期望创建和销售产品?

Here is what this means in layman’s terms:


A company that doesn’t invest money or time in user research starts with an idea and a goal, just like any other company. But because they didn’t take the time to realize what problems their users might face when they use the product, the company eventually fails.

一家公司不花钱或时间在用户研究上,就像其他公司一样,它始于一个想法和一个目标。 但是由于他们没有花时间去意识到用户在使用产品时可能会遇到什么问题,因此该公司最终失败了。

It doesn’t matter how great their idea was or how qualified their developers were. By avoiding UX research as part of the process, you’re depriving the company of the following benefits:

他们的想法有多伟大或开发人员的资格有多高都没有关系。 通过避免将UX研究作为过程的一部分,您将剥夺公司的以下收益:

  • Enabling your developers to create valuable and easy-to-use designs.

  • Making it easy for the users to learn how your product works.

  • Helping you understand the ROI.

  • Ensuring smooth functioning of the product, eliminating errors for your users.

  • Validating the hypotheses you’ve previously set.

  • Allowing you to learn about your competition’s strategies, products, and design.


为什么需要训练有素的UX研究人员 (Why You Need a Trained UX Researcher)

We all want our business to grow. To make this happen, you need to hire a formally trained UX researcher. To the casual observer, this is a task that anyone can complete, as long as they have basic research skills. But the goes beyond just performing basic research.

我们都希望我们的业务发展。 为此,您需要聘请受过正式培训的UX研究人员。 对于临时观察者来说,这是任何人都可以完成的任务,只要他们具有基本的研究技能。 但是, 的不只是进行基础研究。

Essentially, research is more than just finding the answers to questions or asking the questions of people.


A researcher will meet with product owners, stakeholders, and others to find out certain objectives and goals. Then, they’ll craft the right research questions that will uncover the needs, demands, motivations, and pain points of users. While asking those questions, the researcher will , subtle expressions, body language, and actions. This goes beyond just listening or taking notes.

研究人员将与产品所有者,利益相关者和其他人会面,以找出某些目的。 然后,他们将提出正确的研究问题,以揭示用户的需求,需求,动机和痛点。 在询问这些问题时,研究人员将 ,微妙的表情,肢体语言和动作。 这不仅仅是听或做笔记。

The next phase will comprise of analysis of the same data. This goes deep in order to determine patterns and trends. It all comes down to observation, phrasing, and nuance.

下一阶段将包括对相同数据的分析。 为了确定模式和趋势,这很深入。 一切都取决于观察,措辞和细微差别。

To possess this skill, one must have training and experience. You can only find this in a professional UX researcher.

要拥有这项技能,必须具有培训和经验。 您只能在专业的UX研究人员中找到它。

Here are characteristics that qualified UX researchers possess:


1. 了解研究方法 (1. Understanding of the research methods)

Once faced with your project and your goals, the researcher will decide what research method to use. Will they go with qualitative or quantitative methods? Will they combine the two?

面对您的项目和目标后,研究人员将决定使用哪种研究方法。 他们会采用定性还是定量方法? 他们会结合两者吗?

Different research methods have different pros and cons. There isn’t a combination of methods that is universal to all start-ups and companies. It’s the job of the UX researcher to determine the best research methods for your business.

不同的研究方法各有利弊。 对于所有初创企业和公司而言,没有一种通用的方法组合。 UX研究人员的工作就是为您的业务确定最佳的研究方法。

To know this, the expert needs formal research training, which goes beyond knowing UX design fundamentals.


2. 知道如何发现痛点,动机和需求 (2. Knowing how to uncover pain points, motivations, and needs)

Asking people what they want and need works — but only in some cases. You can’t just rush over to people and ask them to tell you their underlying needs. In many cases, they don’t even realize what they need themselves.

问人们他们想要和需要的东西是可行的-但仅在某些情况下。 您不能随便找人,让他们告诉您他们的基本需求。 在许多情况下,他们甚至没有意识到自己需要什么。

This is why a UX researcher is well versed in the process of forming a series of questions that uncover pain points, needs, and motivations. It’s similar to the work of doctors. You don’t give the patient the task of diagnosing themselves. You ask them questions and make the diagnosis by using your expertise.

这就是为什么UX研究人员精通形成一系列揭示痛点,需求和动机的问题的过程。 这类似于医生的工作。 您不给病人做自我诊断的任务。 您问他们问题,并利用您的专业知识进行诊断。

3. 拥有公正的观点 (3. Having an unbiased point of view)

An expert researcher is neutral and unbiased. Unlike developers and business owners, researchers aren’t familiar with the designs on an intimate level. These people are trained listeners that will fill in the gaps and ask the right questions. They avoid assumptions and uncover underlying needs, something that’s hard to achieve if you’re attached to the product.

专家研究员是中立且公正的。 与开发人员和企业所有者不同,研究人员对设计并不太熟悉。 这些人是训练有素的听众,他们将填补空白并提出正确的问题。 他们避免了假设并发现了潜在需​​求,而如果您对产品依恋不舍,那将很难实现。

UX研究人员和开发人员:他们如何一起工作? (UX Researcher and Developers: How Can They Work Together?)

The user experience expert, designer, or researcher and the developers see things differently. There’s nothing odd or unexpected about this.

用户体验专家,设计师或研究人员以及开发人员对事物的看法有所不同。 这没有什么奇怪或意外的。

, it’s a result of a cultural shift in how we interface. The earlier term known as “usability engineer” turned into “UX designer”, but it also indicated a shift from science based on engineering to the art of design. This brought different specializations, which now moves developers and designers further apart, even when they work on the same project.

,这是我们界面交互方式发生文化转变的结果。 早期的术语“可用性工程师”转变为“ UX设计师”,但它也表明从基于工程的科学向设计艺术转变。 这带来了不同的专业领域,这使开发人员和设计人员之间的距离更加遥远,即使他们在同一项目上工作也是如此。

But the two aren’t that separate. Developers and UX experts each have their own “role in the game.” When a UX designer, UX researcher, and developer, they can do wonders to enrich the customer experience.

但是,两者并不是分开的。 开发人员和UX专家各自都有自己的“角色”。 当用户体验设计师,用户体验研究人员和开发人员 ,他们可以奇迹以丰富客户体验。

It’s somewhat of a codependent relationship. The UX designer first needs the research from the UX researcher to be able to plan and predict the project and enrich the user experience. Similarly, the developer doesn’t have access to the designs, wireframes, and prototypes that they need to implement in the creation of the app. Finally, without the work of a developer, a UX expert can’t know the results of their research and designs, predict accurate timelines, or define realistic expectations about the product.

这有点是相互依存的关系。 UX设计人员首先需要UX研究人员进行研究,以便能够计划和预测项目并丰富用户体验。 同样,开发人员无权访问他们在创建应用程序时需要实现的设计,线框和原型。 最后,如果没有开发人员的工作,UX专家将无法知道他们的研究和设计结果,预测准确的时间表或定义对产品的现实期望。

In other words, these forces joined together can eliminate hiccups in the project.


Let me explain why: Communication between UX experts and developers is crucial in order to find a solution to an idea that’s not easy to implement.


To understand their user’s behavior, developers have to implement a series of code and event trackers. If this is communicated in a clear manner, it makes the job meaningful and interesting. Developers’ feedback often yields alternative options that the researchers might not have thought of.

为了了解用户的行为,开发人员必须实现一系列代码和事件跟踪器。 如果以清晰的方式进行交流,则将使工作有意义且有趣。 开发人员的反馈通常会提供研究人员可能没有想到的替代选择。

When they join forces, you don’t have to worry that the design won’t work with the target audience. The UX researcher gives the direction and provides a base adapted to the user. Then, the UX designer comes up with the features that will make for a clean and attractive design. Thanks to the skills of the developer, they’ll put this into action and make it real. Working together is not only time-efficient, but it also prevents any backtracking.

当他们联合起来时,您不必担心设计不适用于目标受众。 UX研究人员提供指导并提供适合用户的基础。 然后,UX设计人员提出了可以使设计简洁美观的功能。 多亏开发人员的技能,他们才能将其付诸实践并实现。 一起工作不仅省时,而且可以防止任何回溯。

结论 (Conclusion)

UX researchers are an indispensable component of any product team. A skilled professional will allow you to gather valuable insight into your customers’ pain points, motivations, and needs.

UX研究人员是任何产品团队不可或缺的组成部分。 熟练的专业人员将使您能够收集到有关客户的痛点,动机和需求的宝贵见解。

As a result, this will enable you to make informed decisions about your product’s features. This is important because it provides you with a more definite action plan, rather than simply guessing, which often results in more time and money spent on addressing issues that could have been avoided.

结果,这将使您能够做出有关产品功能的明智决定。 这很重要,因为它为您提供了更明确的行动计划,而不是简单的猜测,这通常会导致花费更多的时间和金钱来解决本可以避免的问题。




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